quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2016

Curso de Tapeçaria de Estofados da Caritas no Jornal Expressão - Setembro 2016

It had begun a Tapestry formation by Caritas Diocesana São José dos Campos in July, been finished in ending October. This course proposal was delevoped jointly with Environmental Comission and Cáritas coordinator Samuel de Souza Farias. This kind of project matches to the premisses included in Laudato Si’ letter, “care to our common home” . Within the formation is developed actions and processes based upon triple bottom line: socially responsible, economically viable and environmentally sustainable.

Into working processes are used couches donated by community and then these couches are refurbished with upholstery tapestry techniques. Acting this way, rather than discard wrongly such couches and waste landfill capacity, indeed these couches are recovered and prepared to be used as a furniture once more.

The main impact of the formation have is to take care of people with social vulnerability, giving to them occupation and support possibility of income generation through a small companies entrepreneurship. Furthermore, whole capacity of the group of people could also drive this action to a new kind of organization, making them working together inside a cooperative organization.

Within this 2016 group there are many cases of people descovering new alternatives through course and also planning and developing their own tapestry business. This is the major delivery of the Project!

It’s planned and scheduled to 2017 to fund new groups for the course to keep up Cáritas mission in the path of making people out from misery and social isolation.

For any further question, Please e-mail us and follow us in Facebook
e-mail: coord.caritas.sjc@gmail.com and Fbook https://www.facebook.com/caritasdiocesanasjcampos/

Curso de Tapeçaria de Estofados da Caritas Diocesana iniciou as atividades no último mês de julho. A proposta foi desenvolvida pela Comissão Socioambiental, juntamente com o coordenador de projetos da Caritas, Samuel de Souza Farias. A realização do curso vai ao encontro com a encíclica do Papa “Sobre o Cuidado com a Casa Comum” e está calçado pelo conceito do tripé da sustentabilidade: socialmente justo, economicamente viável e ambientalmente sustentável.

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